Agency Report
There are strong indications that American President Joy Biden may lift a travel ban placed on Britons and those from the EU since March 2020 at the middle of May this year.
President Biden has signed an executive order requiring facemasks to be worn on aircraft and at airports. Most British nationals have been barred from entering the U.S. since March 20 last year.
But with a massive mass vaccination rollout in the past 100 days that has seen 104 million people (more than 30 per cent of the adult population) vaccinated, the new president has been making positive sounds about re-opening the U.S. border to Britain, Europe, Mexico and Canada.
President Biden also says that enough vaccination doses will be available for the entire population by April 19.
A source in the Biden administration has said the president is ‘looking toward the middle of May’ to lift travel bans on Britons and those from the EU.